Word of the Day Challenge

Written by:

You wielded all the power

While I was too young to know better

I believed I deserved to be treated

As an afterthought, a mistake, a burden

I was too young to understand narcissism 

But I grew to understand monsters

You were one through and through

A living nightmare everyday

I learned to try and be invisible

Until I escaped your lair of abuse

I grew strong and realized how weak you were

You were pathetic

I felt relief I managed to escape

Now when our paths cross

I don’t even acknowledge your presence

I survived your abuse

Don’t dare deem yourself worthy

Of looking me in the eye

I wield the power now

I am old enough to know what you are

I know what I deserve,

You can never make me feel less ever again

-Nicole Smith, Momoetry

9 responses to “Word of the Day Challenge”

  1. REBLOG: Momoerty’s Latest – Mangus Khan Avatar
    REBLOG: Momoerty’s Latest – Mangus Khan

    […] Word of the Day Challenge […]


    1. Nicole Smith Avatar
      Nicole Smith

      Thank you for reblogging this! 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  2. K. Hartless Avatar
    K. Hartless

    Powerful ending line.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Nicole Smith Avatar
      Nicole Smith

      Thank you!


  3. Pooja G Avatar
    Pooja G

    A really touching poem. Oftentimes, people only make others feel small and weak because they are projecting their issues. Once we know our self worth they can’t hurt us anymore.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Nicole Smith Avatar
    Nicole Smith

    Pooja, one day my old stepfather will pass. I will hire a marching band to play ding dong the witch is dead outside of his funeral.


  5. Bridgette Avatar

    Really love that last line. You’ve taken back the power!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nicole Smith Avatar
      Nicole Smith

      I cannot believe you read so many of my poems today. You do not have to do this. LOL

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Bridgette Avatar

        I want to ❤️


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